Senior Engineer
Education and work experience
1999.09-2003.06, Hebei University, Applied Physics, undergraduate;
2006.09-2009.06, Hebei University, Optical Engineering, graduate student;
2009.09-2013.01, Beijing Jiaotong University, Optics, PhD student.
2013.01-2015.11, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Postdoctoral Fellow;
2015.12-present, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Engineer/Senior Engineer.
Research interests
Regulation of field-induced electron emission properties of carbon based nanomaterials and development of microfocus X-ray imaging system.
Undertaking projects
1. National Key Research and Development Program: “Research on Weld Detection Technology of Titanium Alloy Based on Carbon Nanotube Cold Cathode Conformal X-ray Source (2021YFC2802000)”, 2021.12 - 2025.11;
2. General project of NSFC: "Study on optical Frequency Rectification mechanism and performance regulation of electron tunneling structure of Carbon nanotubes (52072084)", 2021.1 - 2024.12;
3. NSFC Youth Project: "Mechanism and Regulation of high frequency Detection of Surface Plasmons based on MIM Tunneling junction (51602071)", 2017.1-2019.12;
4. General Projects of postdoctoral Research Fund: “Field emission cathode of graphene and carbon nanotube composite structure (2014M550676)”, 2014.2-2015.12.